
AMEL Training Resources

This is a copy/paste from an email I share w/ clients who will be flying the Seminole w/ me. After sharing it w/ a number of pilots who won’t be flying with me, I’ve decided to make it a post on my blog for others to see.

I think it’s a useful list and one pilot from Canada just wrote me to say: “I just wanted to let you know that today I passed my MECR checkride, and I wanted to thank you again for the help. The resources you sent were extremely helpful, and my examiner was very impressed with my groundwork. Thank you!”

HERE ARE SOME resources if you are going to fly the Seminole with me. There is some duplication. Take a look and see what works for you. I’d suggest selecting something with details combined with a handy “cheat sheet” of your choice. Your homework is listed at the very end 🙂

Multi-Engine Aerodynamics/Etc.

Bob Gardner’s Complete Multi-Engine Pilot book is really good and not expensive. Not “required” but it’s cheaper than printing stuff! If you get it from Amazon I get a few cents.

Good PDF on ME flying. Ignore the Beech Duchess-specifics, but the other content is rather good.

Private and Commercial maneuvers – “cookbook” style with power settings and configurations.

Here’s ATP’s big Seminole-specific guide – maneuvers, oral review, etc. They call it a “supplement” but it’s 80 pages!

Systems, oral review, and maneuvers guide.

Maneuvers Guides

Compact maneuvers guide

Another compact one – ignore the MSL numbers, they relate to a specific airport. AGL numbers are in line with the ACS!

Long, but lots of good information from the University of Dubuque – good callouts listed.

Factors of Vmc / Critical Engine

Several ads, but good info/drawings

Good explanation of how changes in the factors of Vmc increase/decrease Vmc and increase/decrease performance. An improvement in one is not always an improvement in another.

Backseat Pilot – Nate’s a C-17 pilot. I bought all my lesson plans for MEI, CFI, and CFII from him. Really good summary and graphics.


Seminole Systems – PrettyFlyForACFI on YouTube – great stuff. Watch the systems videos (Not vacuum – 423CK has dual G5s) and the “Vmc Basics” one. Others if/as you like.

Constant speed props on ME are different than SE – watch PrettyFly’s prop video, then this one.

Here’s an example of ME performance maneuvers in the Seminole. Cheesy sound effects. Look over one or more of the maneuvers guides before watching.

Todd Shellnut on PA-44 landing gear system – good.

There are lots of “Seminole” and “Vmc” videos on YT.

Here’s a good presentation by a DPE in Illinois talking about ME checkrides from her perspective. Long w/ occasional quality “issues” but rather insightful. Review when getting ready.

Closing and Homework

Finally, the attachment is Embry-Riddle’s ME Guide. Seminole-focused.

I just wanted to let you know that today I passed my MECR checkride, and I wanted to thank you again for the help. The resources you sent were extremely helpful, and my examiner was very impressed with my groundwork. Thank you!

I can send you a POH separately.

Now – here’s your homework: in the Commercial ACS you will find a matrix for additional ratings. Actually there are a couple matrices. So pick the right one. (Speaking from experience!) Copy the ACS table of contents and paste into MS Word. Now, use the (correct) matrix to identify what you need to do. We’ll turn the ACS into the syllabus for your training. Now, read the FAR on adding an additional class to your existing Commercial ASEL.


How to get a Student Pilot Certificate

Back in the days of yore*, a Student Pilot’s medical also served as the Student Pilot Certificate. It’s been long enough that all those have expired. A Student Pilot Certificate is now a permanent, plastic, credit card-sized document with no expiration date. (Pilots who require a medical will do that separately.)

You and your instructor will both use the FAA’s Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) website. There you will:

  • Create an account (be sure to safely note your FTN, you will need this later)
  • Initiate a request for a Student Pilot Certificate
  • Coordinate with your instructor to validate his/her portion (Will need your ID & FTN)
  • Go back in and sign

TSA will review and give the FAA the go ahead to issue the Certificate. At that point you can print a Temporary Certificate from the website while patiently waiting for the permanent one to arrive in the mail.

The website is not super intuitive. Here’s a good set of instructions, but you can ignore the university-specific guidance if flying with me!

You and your instructor will visit IACRA again just before your checkride to initiate an application for your first “license to learn” as a Sport Pilot or Private Pilot.

Storm clouds.

*Long ago Pilot Certificates were printed on cardboard and used your Social Security Number as your pilot number. Yikes!

I instruct Light Sport, ASEL, AMEL, and IFR at Spirit Aviation in Thomson, GA (KHQU) and gliders with the Mid-Georgia Soaring Association in Monroe, GA (D73).