
Commercial Multi Add-On

Add-On Airplane Multiengine Class Rating to a Commercial Certificate

FAR 61.127 defines the aeronautical experience required for an initial Commercial Pilot Certificate. Within the Category “Airplane” there are four classes – airplane single engine land, airplane single engine sea, airplane multi-engine land, and airplane multi-engine sea. The first of any of these four falls under 61.127. The next one falls under 61.63.

Flight Experience

FAR 61.63(c)(3) says a person who applies for an additional class rating on a pilot certificate…“Need not meet the specified training time requirements prescribed by this part that apply to the pilot certificate for the aircraft class rating sought;”

No Specific Hour Requirement for Flight Training, training to ACS standards is enough

No Requirement to do a Cross-Country Plan for the Exam

Flight Instructor Endorsements

FAR 61.39(a)(6)(i) training time within previous 2 calendar months

FAR 61.39(a)(6)(ii) prepared for practical test

FAR 61.125(b) and FAR 61.127(b)(2) …”person was found competent in the appropriate aeronautical areas and proficient in the appropriate areas of operation.

Solo Endorsement for Additional Class Rating FAR 61.31(d)(2) – You may be endorsed to fly a twin solo as part of add on training, but highly unlikely!

I instruct Light Sport, ASEL, AMEL, and IFR at Spirit Aviation in Thomson, GA (KHQU) and gliders with the Mid-Georgia Soaring Association in Monroe, GA (D73).

By Terry Pitts

Terry is a retired school teacher, retired Army Reservist, and retired civilian Department of the Army Civilian working about half the time as a pilot and flight instructor. He has been flying since age 19, adding gliders in 2011. He's been an FAA certificated flight instructor since 2013.